
Further to the recent events that lead to the October 17, 2019 revolution, it has become obvious that our country requires drastic political reforms. Decades have gone by without readdressing any of the economic, social and financial impediments that have driven the country into the abyss, reason behind which this program was founded.




We aim at building a country free from corruption and bribery and rather focused on civil rights and advocacy.


Our Mission revolves around fighting and stopping corruption at State Level and Government entities, by promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability and by creating awareness among citizens about their legitimate rights stipulated in the Lebanese constitution.

How to achieve our mission?

A- Youth Shadowing of Government Administration

It has become obvious to Lebanese citizens that the Government itself and its Administrations are no longer complying to the Lebanese constitution for over 30 years. People have become certain that corruption dictates the Public sectors more specifically by the politicians and rich people who exert undue influence to get legislation passed in their favours and interests.

Based on the afore, our NGO believes in the power of change that the young generation can bring to our community. Thus, a team of young experts in collaboration with the civil society have decided to shadow some of those governmental institutions to uncover the infractions exerted by them.

B-Legal Enforcement of suggested Laws

The road to building a country free from corruption is through drastic reforms in all Public and Government institutions. Therefore, our focus will evolve around passing new laws and legislations on:

  1. Accountability & Transparency

Our goal is to enforce the access to information law adopted in January 2017 in all Public Administrations. Implementing this law will enable a thorough monitoring on:

        1. Calling for bids
        2. Contract conclusion based on specification
        3. Control of procured material
        4. Execution of project within expected time frame
        5. Penalties in case of breach etc.
  1. Whistle Blower Protection

Whistle-blowers are a powerful asset to anti-corruption states. They are the invisible operators that will disclose all infractions (Fraud, power abuse et.) on both levels the government and its administrations, they also play a crucial role in holding the Government accountable.

Thereof, we will put pressure on the General Assembly to pass the relative draft law that has been submitted by MP Ghassan Moukheiber and approved by the Administration and Justice Parliamentary committee in March 2015, and still pending its vote.

This law, if passed, will provide them immunity in terms of personal safety without revealing their sources as well as protecting them against any retaliation on their jobs.

  1. Illicit Enrichment

The importance of combating illicit enrichment begins with securing an independent Judicial department away from all political strains to attain the required objectives.

This law, adopted in 1954 and amended in 1999, is farfetched to be applicable due to the intentional impediment stipulated in which the plaintiff should provide a bank guarantee of 25 million Lebanese pound before the public prosecutor to open a case.  These measures will discourage any citizen to even think about the issue.

Our steering committee will suggest some amendments to overturn these excruciating measures in a way to oblige Ministers, Municipalities, Banks, judges and other bodies to declare their property. By doing so, this law if amended will allow the civil society to scrutinize the unknown wealth acquired illegally.

  1. Public Inspection Committee

The goal is to empower the public inspection committees in different administrations to monitor, audit and track any possible leaks in public institutions and report it – by providing evidence – to the supreme court.

C-Public Awareness on Citizen Constitutional Rights

Public awareness sessions will be conducted in Beirut and the different directorates on quarterly basis to educate citizens on the major constitutional rights by stressing on:

  • Individual rights and freedom
  • Civil rights
  • New suggested laws by civil society

Who can Help?

Anyone who wants to fight the prevailing corruption in Lebanon and who is willing to denounce corrupt organizations and people.

And especially social activists, lawyers etc.