
The world is shifting to a place where feminine energy is becoming more present whether culture is ready for it or not!




We Foresee a Nation where women are free to express themselves openly, without any fear or limitation, and enjoying equal opportunities with Men in Public and Private institutions.


To empower women by making them aware of their capabilities and helping them achieve their goals and financial freedom. Seeing independent women not only fighting for their rights, but also thriving to reach their ultimate powers is our goal!

How to achieve our mission?

A-Promoting Women Freedom and Independence – صوتي وحريتي

For change to take place, women have to realize and be aware of the importance and advantage of being free and independent. And the Koumi program is dedicated to make women in Lebanon aware of that through:

    • Raising awareness about the importance of being an independent woman.
    • Guiding women through a journey of expressing themselves freely and independently.

B-Promoting Women Financial autonomy and supporting them in achieving it – استقلاليتي

For many women, being independent requires total financial freedom and we in the Koumi program are dedicated to help all women achieve this freedom by:

    • Providing constant empowerment for women who are looking to be financially and socially independent
    • Providing training and skill development for financial autonomy
    • Securing a network of “Employers” supporting women empowerment and building a link between those employers and job seekers.

C-Enforcing and Passing News laws for a gender balanced Lebanon – حقي

The Koumi program within Beirutopia is determined to protect Women and Young Girls against any deprivation of their Human Rights.

Consequently, a tight collaboration between Local & International NGO will be the essence of our efforts in pushing the government into voting and implementing new resolution and laws protecting them. We will mainly focus on the below:

        1. Protection against Domestic Violence
        2. Fighting against Marriage for minors and setting marriage age to 18
        3. Lebanese women married from foreigners to pass nationality to their children
        4. Women with disability rights to work and learn
        5. Enforce Sanctions for rapist within a married couple and outside it
        6. Equal Pay

Who can Help?

Anyone who believes in gender equality and who believes that women should be treated as equally as men in all areas and organizations, whether at home, at work etc.

And especially social activists, lawyers, educators, psychologists and business owners.